Why 3D-Realtime

3D naturally offers the fastest orientation and therefore makes your product easier to understand.
Users can rotate and scale the model as well as explore its parts and put them in motion. This way, 3D real-time instruments beat conventional selling tools and make you an innovator.

More about our 3D-Real-Time-Solutions...

What we do

At 3DIT we are dedicated to the production of 3D media and selling tools.
By combining 3D computer graphics with gaming technology these applications run offline on a PC, online and plug-in-free in your web browser, and mobile on tablets.

Get in touch with our 3D-Real-Time-Products …

Why 3DIT

If you are a high-tech company with state-of-the-art products then your presentations should be just like that. 3DIT's computer scientists, engineers and designers make your product, process or technology look as photo-realistic as possible, yet as detailed as necessary.

About 3DIT


Participation at the Hannover Messe 2019 (Hall 6 L21)

At Hannover Messe 2019, which will take place from April 1 to 5, we would like to attract many interested visitors to our booth (Hall 6 L21) again to convince and inspire them with the great technology of our Govie®.

Govie® stands for Game Technology and Movie. It is both a video and an interactive 3D world, i.e. a Digital Twin. The core idea is to tell customers the story of a product and at the same time let them experience it interactively - ideal for business meetings, trade fairs and daily business. Govie® is available online for everyone and also optimized for mobile browsers.

see the announcement

Govie product website
visit the Govie product website


3DIT attended the InterAirport 2017

With over 100 dedicated company visits at our booth during the InterAirport 2017, we consider the trade fair show a real success. This year’s key topic of our customers was the inclusion of SCADA(-like) data into 3D-real-time dashboards (see our showroom) and the introduction of our new workflow for Webdemos in realtime running on all browsers and devices (visit our webdemo). Furthermore we enjoyed searching a winner within our little competition – the winner is Suncar HK AG (website) from Switzerland, located in Zurich. Congratulations!

3DIT attended the Hanover Messe 2017

This year we started out a brand new inno­vation, our „Govie“ (mixing game tech­nolo­gy and mo­vie). This type of 3D-real­time visu­ali­zation is really close to our na­tural behav­iour when it is all about to „grasp“ for an idea or an ob­ject. That is the rea­son a govie really stays in your mind. (web­demo and waterpump govie).

Nume­rous visitors at our booth ab­solute­ly agreed and thus con­firmed our focused path. Even the Minister of Business Affairs from the State of Saxony visited 3DIT on the lead­ing edge fair „digital factory“, one of the big key topics of this year's Hann­over Messe. Mr. Dulig was curious about several app­lication, among them a complete virtual factory, seven floors high. Also, he ack­nowledg­ed the »Mikrochip-ABC« during his talk with Dr. Henry Wojcik (CEO), a co­pro­duct­ion of 3DIT targeted at making children enthusiastic about a scientific career in the field of micro­elec­tronics in particular, and engineering in general. (www.mikrochip-abc.de)



Govie® is an innovative way of communication and with it comes a completely new user experience. Govie® combines the advantages of videos and interactive 3D visualizations into an interactive 3D presentation. At first glance a Govie® runs like a classical video: The user watches the 3D model in motion. Any sequence can be upgraded with text or graphics as required. However, contrary to a video the user can interrupt the show at any time to explore the 3D model by himself. He can rotate, zoom the model or start selected actions. This is why Govie makes a perfect tool for the presentation of complex, hard-to-explain products. (govie.de)




Make your products


Allow your clients to interact
with the product


Win over new clients
with tools that sell

3DIT on fair

Providing innovative visualization solutions, we regularly take part in the different fairs to convince our customers of the advantages of interactive 3D real-time solutions.

Meet us at the following events and talk to us.

Exhibition dates

Hanover Trade Fair | 01.-05.04.2019 | Hanover
Hall 6, Booth L21

interairport europe | 08.-11.10.2019 | Munich

productronica | 12.-15.11.2019 | Munich

Get in touch with us!

3D Interaction Technologies GmbH
Schubertstraße 39
01307 Dresden

Phone: +49 (0)351 21 967 495
Fax: +49 (0)351 21 967 493


our FUNDING PARTNERfor development projects & Fair appearances

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