
About us

3D Interaction Technologies – The specialist for real-time 3D visualisations

3DIT develops 3D interactions for PC, tablet and smartphone that allow your company to communicate its knowledge to experts and non-experts.

As a specialist for presentations that are easy to understand, especially of complex technologies, 3DIT sets new benchmarks in real-time 3D imaging. In the first step, we visualise a product, project or process system using an interactive 3D model, regardless of whether the focus is on the design, functions or range of variants. Next, we use interfaces to add extra information to the 3D model, such as prices, data, etc. Our programmers, engineers and designers visualise every product and process as realistically as possible and with as much detail as necessary.

CEO: Ingolf Seifert & Dr. Henry WojcikCEO: Ingolf Seifert & Dr. Henry Wojcik 

3D real time – Spatial and interactive

Our solutions provide a direct financial benefit in sales and marketing, service, training, system and facility control, audits, and planning. They are a powerful aid wherever investment decisions are made, or where correct operation of processes and machinery is essential. In scenarios such as these, 3D interactions ensure to make projects and business cooperations reality, and implement them more cost effective.

We now work as software providers across Europe for companies from a range of sectors, from high-tech and construction to retail and systems engineering. Together with our customers, we develop innovative, precisely tailored 3D visualisations, configurators and planning tools, which can be used in a variety of ways both online and offline.

For the viewer, there are no fixed images that require minutes or even days to produce. The calculation takes just milliseconds, allowing the viewer to freely explore the 3D environment, as well as turn and interact freely with objects just as a person would naturally in real life. This increases their level of involvement, and makes understanding products and technologies far easier. Furthermore, the viewer leaves with a personal experience that stays long in the memory.

Get in touch with us!

3D Interaction Technologies GmbH
Schubertstraße 39
01307 Dresden

Phone: +49 (0)351 21 967 495
Fax: +49 (0)351 21 967 493